About Heaven’s Wait!

Step inside and learn about the curious elements that make Heaven’s Wait such a unique, fascinating place. This page is a work in progress that will grow as more of Heaven’s Wait unfolds. SPOILER ALERT: For your maximum enjoyment, you may wish to wait until you’ve read the current books before you take an inside look at the characters and their fantasy world.

Explore the map of mainland Heaven’s Wait.

The Tales from Vowella book series takes place in various locales as far south as the creepy Southern Swamp and as far north as the majestic New Life City. The environments change dramatically from damp and foggy to quiet and protected, to dark and spooky, then to bustling and modernly civilized. The contrasts are surprising, yet familiar to what we experience in various locales within our own world.

And who knows what else lies farther north and beyond New Life City. Future stories will venture into those parts unknown.

Does the map of the locales match the vision you have of this faraway place? Take a peek!

The first inhabitants that are encountered in this land are the five native clans of Heaven’s Wait’s hidden community of Vowella. They are collectively known as the Vowellans: the Ham Bats, the Net Kens, the Fig Wigs, the Fog Bobs, and the Rug Bums.

Learn a little about the five clans, as well as the five central characters of the Tales from Vowella book series. This section will always be a work in progress, as new illustrations of the existing characters are completed and new characters are added to new adventures within the world of Heaven’s Wait.

Follow the HW Blog for alerts of new additions. The Vowellans aren’t the only inhabitants of Heaven’s Wait. Read more!

The character of Mr. RJ PLOM is based on my late father, Robert (Bob) Marsicano. Learn how RJ became the accidental discoverer and key figure of the magical world of Heaven’s Wait. I never had in mind to base this character on my dad, but somehow it all made sense once the tales started coming together.

RJ’s willingness to help HW’s local inhabitants, the Vowellans, is based on my perspective of the way the real man would have handled such a wondrous adventure. And my view came from the knowledge I gained regarding his history with his family and his experiences during his lifetime.

So discover a little about the man and his family behind RJ’s development for the stories of Heaven’s Wait… Barbara McLaughlin  See more!