Other Colorful Characters

Heaven’s Wait’s Tales from Vowella book series includes a number of other colorful characters who support the main characters and add extra interest and fun to the stories too. Learn a little more about the variety of other beings who inhabit Heaven’s Wait.

Mysterious is the best way to describe the colorful character of Lady Wisteena. Her appearance is very human-like. Yet with her natural blue hair and brows, paler blue eyes, her glowing, translucent skin, and her calm, ethereal presence, it is clear to RJ and others that she is at the least otherworldly. And at most, she is the perfect example of the “angel-types” that inhabit HW’s bustling capital, New Life City.

Wisteena’s wisdom is very vague in nature. She answers questions with those of her own and simply hints at all that is Heaven’s Wait. It seems there is much to unveil about this world, and she holds the key.


Read about other colorful characters as they join the page.

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