Music of an Imaginary World
As the stories of Heaven’s Wait came to life, this author discovered that music was a relevant element of my fantasy world. Melodies would pop into my head as I was writing about various situations in the stories. I found myself inspired to create original songs with lyrics to embed into the novels. I not only wished to further connect readers to my fantasy world. I also hoped to share the sounds I heard in my head. Knowing my musical skills were limited, I started a search for someone to orchestrate my melodies for me.
I happened upon a most talented musician, Akira Ross. We began working together through Zoom meetings during the 2021 phase of COVID distancing. We figured out how our collaboration was going to work, and we have been creating new songs since then. I am forever grateful for the musical gifts Aki has bestowed upon this body of work.
Enjoy the music of an imaginary world as it unfolds, as well as the stories behind the music. Watch for new blog posts about the music on this page. And look for new music to come your way as further stories from Heaven’s Wait are written! …Barbara McLaughlin
Music in My Head
I admit I’m a creataholic, though I don’t try to be. Ideas are always popping into my head, sometimes simple in...