Sing the Song Videos

Our Hallie Day Feature Pic
Our Hallie-Day!

Sing Our Hallie-Day! This is the song the Vowellans of Heaven’s Wait sing to celebrate their holiday season. It represents the fusion of the Vowellans’ annual tribute to their historic deity, Hale, and the warm holiday feelings brought to Vowella in years past by some strangers of the familiar variety. The inhabitants co-wrote the song during the more innocent days of Vowella Valley. Now they would like to share it with you.

You’re invited to Sing Our Hallie-Day right from the comfort of your home. Sing the song by following the words while the video plays. Our Hallie-Day was introduced in Book 1 of the Heaven’s Wait! Tales from Vowella series, RJ and the Vowellans. Have fun!


Watch for more Sing-The-Song videos as more songs with lyrics are added to Heaven’s Wait music library. Find them on the Sing-the-Songs page of this website. And receive alerts for new Sing-the-Song videos by subscribing to Heaven’s Wait’s Email List. Find the email form in the footer of each page on this website. Alerts for all new blog articles will be sent to subscribers as they are published from Heaven’s Wait, typically once a week. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Written by Barbara McLaughlin

December 9, 2022

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